Mortgage Calculator


Mortgage Calculator

Bi-weekly Mortgage vs Monthly Mortgage


You can also specify:

Interest Rate (%)

Annual Taxes

Loan Term in Years

Annual Insurance

Bi-weekly Taxes 
Monthly Taxes 
Bi-weekly Insurance 
Monthly Insurance 
Bi-WEEKLY Mortgage 
MONTHLY Mortgage 
Total Bi-weekly Payment 
Total Monthly Payment 
Bi-weekly Payments (1 yr) 
Monthly Payments (1 yr) 
Actual Amortization 
Actual Amortization 
Total Bi-weekly Interests 
Total Monthly Interests 
Total Bi-weekly Loan Cost 
Total Monthly Loan Cost 
Interest savings: 
(with a Bi-weekly mortgage.)
The above is for illustrative purposes only. Rates compounded each period.
DISCLAIMER: No warranty is expressed or implied, for the accuracy of this information or it's applicability to your financial situation. Please consult your own financial advisor.
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